The Fort McDermitt paiute shoshone Tribe is a federally recognized Tribe of Paiute and Shoshone people

The Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe is located approximately 4 miles Southeast of the town of McDermitt, Nevada and spans the Oregon / Nevada border. There are approximately 125 households living on the Reservation, and approximately 450 Tribal Members living off reservation. Sarah Winnemuca, a notable historic figure in Northern Nevada history was a fellow Northern Paiute. While our people are commonly referred to as “Paiutes” We refer to ourselves as “Numu” (Paiute) and “Newe” (Shoshone), which roughly translates to “The People”. Our ancestral homelands are in the Northern Great Basin region of Nevada, extending into both Southeast Oregon and Southwest Idaho.

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Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(775) 532-8259